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31 Mar 2021
Initiating a Plant Turnaround: A Simple Guide

The idea of a plant turnaround can send any owner or manager into a panic. However, when done properly, a plant turnaround doesn’t have to mean huge delays and interruptions. The best way to execute a plant turnaround without causing huge breakdowns in your operations is to plan carefully and have backups for everything.

Hiring an experienced contractor for industrial engineering and transport services won’t hurt either!

What a Plant Turnaround Involves

A plant turnaround, simply put, is when the premises are shut down partially or completely for inspection, renovation, maintenance, or repairs. The fact is that just like any other kind of machinery, plant equipment requires regular checking, cleaning, and servicing to keep it working the way it’s supposed to.

If you let your equipment continue to function constantly without performing maintenance via a shutdown, you may face a breakdown or malfunction later. This is a situation where prevention is better than cure, so don’t delay a turnaround.

The Basic Steps for a Successful Turnaround

Just like when you have to execute a new project, there are a few broad stages of a turnaround. Let’s take a deep dive into these!

Plans and Budgets

Planning and budgeting are two processes that are intrinsically related. For example, if you have a low budget, you may plan a partial turnaround at the moment. On the other hand, if you require a plan for a complete turnaround, you may need to create a budget accordingly.

Your plan should contain a day-by-day breakdown of the work as well as a comprehensive list of preparation tasks. You should also ensure your budget contains details, even the small operational costs of the budget. This will help minimize delays and ensure you stay within expense limits.

Managing Human Resources

Make sure you manage your workers efficiently. Make a list of every task that needs to be done and communicate it to your contractor. Collaborate with them to ensure that enough personnel is assigned to each task so you can get it done in time.

A fleet for plant equipment and transport services in Habshan.

Task Execution

The next step is overseeing the turnaround. Stay on top of the usage of material, time utilization, and whether the predetermined plan is being followed. This is the most crucial stage of the turnaround since anything that goes wrong now will delay your reopening — and we don’t want that.

Thorough QA and Reopening

The last step to finish off a successful plant turnaround is conducting an inspection, ensuring everything has been done right, and getting the plant ready for operations the next day. All of this sounds like a lot of work, but with us as your ADNOC approved contractors in Habshan and Bu Hasa, you don’t have to worry about anything.

We offer efficient plant equipment and transport services n Habshan and other nearby areas, allowing you to get any kind of construction, renovation, and maintenance done easily and seamlessly.

Contact us today to get started.